Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Recently I have been painfully reminded of the fragility of lives around me. My high school friend, oldest daughter of one of my Mom's closest friends, died after a four week episode with pneumonia and ARDS.

A dear Christian sister's older sister died after many years of battling cancer. Another friend lost a sister with Alzheimer's. The 48 year old sister in law of another Christian sister died after a routine hysterectomy with no complications.

Life is precious. There is a fine line between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven. Just a breath separates them.

The most recent episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition came to the aid of a Keller, TX family--the Augustins. My Muffin works with the grandfather to this family. Their home was destroyed in a flood, which also destroyed the wife's business. She is a photographer extraordinaire who also donates her services to families who have fragile infants--those who are in the NICU or who may only live moments or hours. Her photographs enable a family to tangibly see and hold some part of a life that is straddling that fine line between the Kingdoms. Her photography is so beautiful that you can almost feel the emotions just in the viewing of the photos. Not unexpectedly, she is a big supporter of March of Dimes.

If March of Dimes had never been there for Em and Roo in their earliest days, I would still support the organization, because they are about LIFE. Every life is holy in God's eyes. His Word declares that. Every one who dies, who crosses over from this Kingdom to the Kingdom of Heaven, is seen by God at that moment.

I just read, first in an email, and then again in the Wall Street Journal and the Chicago Tribune that President Obama seeks to rescind the rule that has been in place for 30 years which allows medical workers to refuse to do abortions according to their moral conscience. This also allows pharmacists to refuse to fill the "morning after" drug that induces abortion, according to their moral conscience. Can this be legal according to the constitution? Must we endanger a life by law? Are we still guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Is someone's happiness only fulfilled by taking the life of an innocent baby?

I am appalled. Sickened. I emailed President Obama at this link. I joined this Facebook group and will send the President an empty red envelope. I read about Forty Days for Life and am praying for those in my city who are joining in this peaceful protest. I hope you will join me.

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