Friday, August 1, 2008

Pain, Grain, Ibuprofen train

August 1, 2008

Ugghhh! Perils of age and inactivity! Praise the Lord and pass the ibuprofen! The praise is that I accomplished three Body Flow classes this week, along with some cardio workout and resistance training. More praise for excellent teachers in the classes. Still more praise for working the total body rather than just the legs or the flexibility, since the new release of Body Flow made me sore from my toes to the backs of my arms and everywhere in between. I am confident that the two weeks we spend doing this release will make me stronger and longer, as promised in the advertising.

Popping the ibuprofen before class began would have been smarter than taking it afterward. The old bones are screaming from so many extensions with legs crossed and in triangle pose. The abdominal track is grueling—squeezing heels together, pulsing arms with head raised off the floor, and even the stretching at the ends, well, stretches. Even the young women in the class mentioned their sore muscles as a result of last night’s class.

The worst pain from gain is in my lower back, however, and after doing two months of therapy for a slipped disc, this was probably a bad idea. I actually stopped participating in that track both last night and today. It is a well known fact, (well, I know it well.) that Grandmothers and Marmees should not participate in activities which send us to therapy. We buy too much ibuprofen as a direct result of injury and therapy, cause everybody knows that therapy is more painful than the original surgery or injury. We also must have more frequent appointments with stylists and manicurist/pedicurists as a result of therapy. All that repetitive movement in water simply destroys the nail polish and hair styles.

I called to get an appointment for a hair cut and learned that my stylist is out with a broken wrist, two chipped teeth, and lacerations. These are a result of a bicycle accident, due to a malfunction with the bicycle. She’s a new Grandmother. I told you so! Don’t participate in that which results in physical therapy! Just don’t do it. I’ll pop the pills before BF class tomorrow—get ahead of the pain-gain train.

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