Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Awesome Story

This is Joy,
our Awesome Third Born Daughter.                     The Awesome House where she lives.

                                                                    Awesome husband, Son-in-Law, Mike.

And these are the Awesome Flowers Mike bought for our Awesome Daughter, Joy.  Gerbera Daisies  

and Hydrangeas.

Here are the Awesomes, dressed for a ball. 

 We visited them last week end and for three additional days.  A life long friend of our Fourth Born Awesome Daughter (not pictured in this post), came to the Awesomes Home to visit.    She moved from Texas and works just a few blocks from the Awesome House and lives all alone until her dearly beloved husband of almost five years moves from Texas to live with her at the end of May. She is lonely.  We invited her to come over for homemade soup.  She can't tell us what she does at work or she will have to kill us, but we still love her and fed her soup.   Here she is sitting with Awesome Daughter of the Third Born Placement in the McFamily.

This is an embassy near the Awesome House. 

Another of the neighborhood embassies.

Yet another one.

Yep. Another embassy. 

 No.  This is the National Cathedral.  Just passing by it inspires me to take photos. 

The Awesomes have high pressure jobs. When they come home they like to cuddle in the basement and watch big screen TV.  This is Glee on the big screen. 

A gift from work one day. 

After work, she receives invitations to Awesome events. 

In Awesome places. Like the same bowling alley named for this man.

The Awesome couple lives about 150 yards from this Awesome Church--City Church DC.  It rocks!

After all that awesomeness, this is what I do at their house.
The END.

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