Monday, August 1, 2011

What have I been doing this summer?

 A little harvesting--very little.  There is a major drought happening with triple digit temperatures. It was 104 again today.
 A little working out.  My Pilates trainer thinks up new ways to challenge me weekly.

 A little partying.  We celebrated Gracie's third birthday at our house with the cousins!

 A little girl time--with the Rowdy Girls and with our girls.

 A little time just for the boys--Jonah and Grandpa did some science experiments in the kitchen.  This is not one of them, but was the preferred toy of the day.

A lot of Baby Music and Studio teaching this summer.  This is my first week to not teach.

And lots of praying and waiting for Baby McV to arrive!  Joy and Mike have the nursery ready to go and are just waiting for the big boy's birthday.

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