It was a very busy day. One hour of Pilates. Quick stop at the pharmacy for my monthly "bone pill". Rush home for lunch and to a bit of house cleaning and dog fluffing. Quick change of clothes and short drive to pray for KK. Back home to start some laundry, print music terms for students, and practice that orchestra music for about 40 minutes. Drive to the church where we meet for group lesson. Wait for doors to classroom to be unlocked. Teach, play, interview and hopefully inspire for one hour. Put the room back as we found it. Drive to the health club for the second time today, and rush in to change clothes with maybe 60 seconds to spare before Body Flow. After a one hour class, order a smoothie to boost my rapidly vanishing energy. Home to unload, put away, change laundry, and wait for Muffin to show up after his equally busy day.
Then I opened an email that really captured my attention. A friend directed me to look at Journeys. I am so moved. So impressed. So inspired by the images, the art, the skill, the expression, and the written messages. I hope you will take a few minutes to click on the links and visit the site, listening to the photographer's messages. I must find a way to bring these into my home. I want my grandchildren to grow up remembering these photographs in Marmee and Grandpa's home. The photograph hanging in the bedroom at my grandparent's house is one I vividly remember. I stared at it, absorbed it, pondered it, and recalled it many times when I felt frightened or unsettled. This is the print, by Heilige Schutzengel, available at art.com.

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