Since I can't begin to tell you, even using several languages if I knew more than one, how very cute my Grands are, you may view them for yourselves. Rowdy Girls are dancing. Jbear is throwing a picnic for Gracie. And I'm really needing to see them all!
My time today was spent with my Bible study ladies and in frustration with technology (internet, email, FOX station KVXA--a total green screen during So You Think You Can Dance, and interrupted telephone service 3 times during one phone call). After a great morning of study and discussion, I progressed (regressed?) to an afternoon and evening of head-banging due to technology that refuses to techno. Head-banging before and after gym class. Usually I stop hitting my head after chilling out at the gym class. It's healthier. Class and not hitting the head. But I digress.
Bible study is getting into the meddling area. Today we talked about knowing that you have an idol in your life when you begin to hide something--objects, food, meds, facts, make excuses. The final discussion question was based on John 2, when Mary is at the wedding with Jesus and she just tells the hosts, who ran out of wine, the facts. Then tells them to pay attention to her son, Jesus, and do whatever he tells them to do. That's all. Just listen to Him and do what He tells you. Oh Lord, may I ever remember that all you need is the facts and not my interpretation of them.
McCousins at Thanksgiving
10 years ago
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