I made this for my new Granddaughter: Gracie Florine, born today, July 14 at 2:58 p.m. MST.

This is the beautiful chapel where we spent an afternoon. Notice the repeated diamond shapes? It reminded me of the lyric "Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds, and nothing I desire compares with You."

The interior is even more lovely than the exterior.

I hope you can see the reflections of lighted crosses in this photo. The light comes from the Frank Lloyd Wright-esque scones on the glass walls, which reflect off the opposite walls and out into the forest. Look closely. You can see one on the rocks here and there.

Here is the field where we picked the blueberries.

Oh, Deer! Caught in the Act! Please notice, this is on a residential street, in front, not back, of a house.

We weren't sure what the big attraction was for the deer, but it seemed to be the leaves. Just before these photos were taken, a doe and tiny fawn sauntered across the street right in front of our car. On another evening, a deer crossed the street, which is actually the main highway right in front of some of the businesses where there is quite a lot of traffic. I truly hope this is not how the Road Kill Cafe got it's title.
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