The temperature began to rise during the night of the fourth day of silence enforced by the storm.
By morning the welcomed sunshine created shadows, but even the low temperatures were no match for full sun on the pavement. Let the thawing begin!
At noon a river of snowmelt gushed in the streets and floated sheets of ice with it. Driving was particularly hazardous in dodging the ice chunks.
If you zoom in, you can see the pipe still contains a solid chunk of ice where water was flowing from the building at the motor bank. This photo taken at about 3 pm. after several hours of temperature in the lower 30's.
Some streets were cleared by front end loaders--all that is available in southern states.
And some streets were only cleared by Mr. Sunshine and had to wait 2-3 days.
Likewise areas on the north sides or in deep shady areas. Last night we had a light dusting of new snow. But temperatures are expected to rise to the 50's by tomorrow. I totally understand why Minnesotans run and frolic like rabbits when the sun comes out and the snow melts in April or May.
Last week I could have done anything I wanted to during the four "snow days." I had a good book and lots of music and plenty of practicing to do. Instead I chose to listen. I sat in stillness for many hours. I listened to sermons, music, teaching of various subjects, podcasts, and recorded scripture. And I listened to the Holy Spirit. I asked Him questions and tried to discern His answers. I still have more questions, but here are some of those that were answered.
Q: Why are so many states experiencing this storm, the hardship, isolation, and severity of it all?
Q: What is the significance of the violence of the storm, the thunder, lightening, hail, sleet, snow, wind, and low temperatures? The length of duration?
Q: What is the significance of world events at this time? The violence in Cairo, Egypt and the demands that Mubarak leave office?
Q: What is my part in all of this, in the Big Picture and Scheme of Life?
A: In learning to minister to individuals who have experienced trauma we learn that the two sides of the brain have been disconnected in their cooperation with each other. The side that experiences and the side that processes feelings no longer work together. I began to see that as a huge problem for the USA as a whole: Brain Trauma of a Nation with no cooperation between the two sides of the head.
Sometimes in ministry and prayer a loud sound will reset those two sides. There is evidence of this, but I won't go into that in this post. So, when praying for a person with deep trauma if they know a loud clap, or sharp sound is coming and that signifies the resetting of their brain, there is a great calm and peace that follows and progress in healing follows that. It's as if the sharp sound stops the effect of the lasting trauma and a new direction begins. For example when Jesus hung on the cross and spoke "Father into thy hands I commit my Spirit" what followed was darkness and a loud sound from heaven that split the veil of the temple in two parts from top to bottom, thus opening a way into the Holy of Holies that had never been there before! And then three days of silence passed while Jesus was leading all captivity captive and setting them free to live eternally. His blood was cleansing, freeing, giving access, resetting everything in the spiritual realm, enabling us to die to ourselves and allow Him to live through us, reclaiming all dominion and authority, healing all diseases, conquering our inner hurts and iniquities, will power, broken hearts, and releasing us from poverty into His riches! Glory! ( I learned much of that in yesterday's sermon from our pastor. Thanks, David!)
So we had these great claps of thunder and lightening and lost power and traffic stopped for three days and violence poured forth in Egypt. All of that certainly got the attention of many who would have foraged on with business as usual. I believe God "re-set the brains" of many of us to think as He thinks with a perspective of Love. To spend time with our families, or in silence or creativity or even on Facebook reconnecting with friends. At the end of three days the violence in Egypt turned peaceful and negotiations began. The people are being heard. The way of the Lord is being prepared in Egypt. And as for my part, well I blogged about it.