Monday, July 19, 2010

Change of Plans

After the three performances Thursday I brought Nannie home with me and showed her some of the latest blog photos from the Rowdy Girls and the Cheese Family since she has no internet connection, or computer, or iphone, or technology information.  After Nannie left I started the dishwasher and put a load of laundry in to soak, then got some watermelon, a mug of ice water, and an ice pack for my knee.  It was a VERY hot day. 

What I failed to recognize is that my blood sugar was dipping, which is why I was feeling so hot, so tired, and craving the water and watermelon.  Then I went to sleep—for three hours.  Big mistake. I missed Body Flow and woke up in a goofy stupor of foggy headedness.  Is that a word?  Well, that’s what it seemed to be.  I tried to give Scooter my allergy meds before I realized what I was doing. I found myself standing in a room with no clue why I walked in there.  So, I sat down and made myself eat a full meal of  protein, veggies, and whole wheat bread, then my brain turned on.  I noticed that Muffin sent a text and was on the way home.  Good news!  I had a plan for a quiet dinner and some DVR’ed TV—Psych, Covert Affairs, White Collar, So You Think You Can Dance.  On Friday my plans included meeting a real estate agent to look at office space, a great work out at Body Flow and Pilates, and a trip to Lowes. 

 On Wednesday while I was teaching I heard a huge noise in the kitchen and Scooter, my darling hearing challenged dog even heard it.  My students declared that they saw him standing near the French doors of the music room and there was no way he caused the noise, which I thought was the trash can turning over. It wasn’t.  The lens over one of the large fluorescent fixtures in the kitchen ceiling fell from the sky!  It broke into at least six pieces, one of them still huge and falling all the way to the dining area.  I was SO thankful no one was in the kitchen when it happened! 

During the morning, during the Body Flow class and for about two hours afterward Muffin and his sister talked about Nana’s care during her recovery from the broken bone.  Plans began to change. While Mufin got the car serviced I packed for me and for Scooter. We left town around six o’clock, Muffin exhausted from the excessive driving from last week and his regular driving to and from the job—about 350 miles round trip each week. We arrived at Nana’s about 8:30 and found her doing very well.  She is in great spirits and no pain and is performing well from chair to walker to wheelchair and back again.  We’ve been here more than twenty four hours and for almost three hours she entertained the health car agency representatives while they completed paper work and asked her questions.  God provided a sweet lady to stay night and day with Nana for one week. Then Muffin will return to help them reassess her needs.  Muffin grocery shopped and cut up a watermelon for us to share with her for the week.  I did laundry, scrubbed her bathrooms, especially the toilets, and went back to the store to fetch a few things that were missed.  I sliced food into daily portions and washed fresh fruit and chilled water for her for the week.  Muffin’s sister and the kids came by for the agency visit and stayed to share about the upcoming vacation to Grand Canyon, Kings’ Canyon, Sequoia, and Yosemite National Parks.  They leave tomorrow morning.  All of us are very thankful for God's provision for Nana and praying for complete and quick recovery for her.

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