Yesterday evening we had a nice visit via Skype with these two lovely ladies. They were fresh from a nap, enjoying cuddles and snuggles with their Mama on the big bed. We enjoyed playing a little "I spy", and once "caught" the Nannie blanket as it was thrown at the camera for a short game of "toss and catch". Sometimes I call them "Miss Emme" and "Miss Ruby". Yesterday Emme called me "Miss Marmee" for almost the entire conversation. Ruby always says "Grandpa", but yesterday to Emme we were "Miss Marmee and PPa". We heard about playing in the snow, caught a few lines from some recent songs they have learned, and viewed "The Mouth"--a paper plate folded in half with marshmallow teeth and a red tongue. It talks with Emme.

This is how Ruby enjoys her marshmallows.

Emme likes hers in hot chocolate or even with glue on them, dried for several days on a paper plate "mouth". I am a witness to her enjoying them that way.
She told us about kissing a boy at school. When we asked Ruby if she kissed boys at school she replied, "NO. At home."
Miss Marmee and PPa love you, girls!
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