Muffin cleaned out a closet Saturday while searching for some specific photos of his family. In the process we found some gems with emotional memories of the occasions represented.

Our baby,
Kaki, is standing with two of her Sunday School teachers after her baptism. Mrs. Cynthia by her side, was her three year old teacher, and although she moved away, is still a good friend of mine. Mrs. Lana, standing behind, was also Kaki's Kindergarten teacher in school, and she went to live with Jesus after a brief illness several years ago. We still miss her.

Joybear (on the right) is preparing to go to church camp with her friend from age three through high school, Tiffani. In the middle is Tiffani's Mom, Marlene. She was one of my closest friends, our neighbor, a room mother at school with me, in Bible studies, Sunday School class, prayer groups, and car pools with me. After surviving polio as a child, marrying and raising three of the most wonderful daughters (except for my four, of course) on earth, she died after a long, courageous battle first with breast cancer and then, almost six years later, cancer in her blood. I still miss her every day. You can see her fabulous granddaughters
here. Tiffani is giving them a girl cousin in January!

Winding the clock back-- way, way back-- you see this extremely fashionable photo of moi in a pink kerchief. Well, it was fashionable for the early 1970's. We were in Yosemite National Park in May with the Protestant Youth of the Chapel, McClellan AFB. The man in the photo is Ken, our fearless, fit, fatherly (3 sons) chaplain. We spent many many Sundays, Wednesday nights, and other weeknights at his house with his dear wife, Barb, along with lots of other couples from the Chapel. Barb has been alone since Ken died suddenly of a heart attack. His sons live either with or near her, and she is greatly blessed by them and their families. My best zucchini bread recipe originated with Barb.

There I am again with a do-rag. I must have worn those every day that I didn't want to wash my hair. Yuck! Solomon, our first Sheltie and original 'baby' is standing guard over little Baby CB in the bassinet. She must have been only a few weeks old at that time. All the furniture is either from relatives, K Mart, or is air force base housing loaners. Buddy and Penny, along with their first born, Wesley, had come over for a visit. Wesley was enjoying Solomon's good nature. Precious Buddy also went to be with Jesus 20 months ago after many courageous battles with cancer. Penny, Wesley and family, and little sister Wendy live just a few miles from our Joy and Mike now.
Although I miss these precious friends, I know without a doubt, that I will see them again. That is the certainty of living in Jesus--that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life. (John 3:16)