Muffin drives back to his apartment and work 200 miles away, working hard for four days so he can return for a long weekend. The house is quiet and Scooter the Sheltie and I are disoriented for awhile. Coffee helps.
The phone rings more often on Monday. Why is that? All sorts of organizations think I must hear their recordings on Monday. And brides call or email on Monday, panicky that their wedding plans have slipped my mind or my calendar. Not so. I hired the quartet to play for the weddings long ago.
Yesterday was a family reunion—the first since Daddy died. It was a hard day for Nannie. We couldn’t stay with her very long, but at least when the minutes were read that last year was the first year he had ever missed a reunion, we were with her. And all those food choices were good for her. She said she ate well, so perhaps the 40 or more pounds she lost will begin to return now. She dropped in this morning with my leftover Key Lime Pound Cake, some Sugar Queen Cantaloupe, and Eggplant Dressing. Yum! Since she doesn’t have a computer I showed her the latest blog posts from the Rowdy Girls and Cheesemyhead. Got a little smile and chuckle from her. She was awake early to help the relatives get away. They wanted to drive back to the coast early today to get ahead of Tropical Storm Edouard, which is scheduled to strengthen and make landfall right over their towns. It is currently strengthening and 263 miles ESE of Galveston. Bummer for them, but perhaps rain for us! Rain would make steam of our 103 degree temps.
About one hour after leaving the family reunion I was here.
Our quartet was invited to provide music for the new class of the pharmacy school at Texas Tech. It’s the second class for this branch and the White Coat Ceremony is very dignified and interesting with many speakers providing history and advice to the new students before presenting them with the White Coat and leading all pharmacists and the new class in the oath of their profession. Then we play as they recess, meet family and friends and professors for a reception, taking lots of photos. Since we are in the balcony of this lovely restored theater we never really know when it “over”. We just play until it’s very dark and we can’t hear anyone anymore, then run downstairs to see if there is anyone left who isn’t part of the packing crew. Our total time at the venue is about three hours, from set up to break down. (No, not a fiddle breakdown. I said it was very dignified!) We are honored to be invited to play.
Favorite part of Monday: Acts 29:1, which is the name of our Emmaus reunion group. Love those sisters! They are the most faithful prayer warriors ever, and the silliest sisters outside of my four daughters.
Next favorite: Monday night Body Flow. But I’m still sore from my workout on Saturday. Drat! Perils of age, I guess.
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