Friday, December 10, 2010

More gigs!

Last Sunday morning as I stepped out of my car in the church parking lot and looked up, I saw, over the silhouette of the church, this full rainbow ring around the sun.  Every color was visible in the ring. It was amazing! A kiss from God as a promise to me that I could actually do what I was there to do.  

After playing 16 hours in rehearsals and programs last week I was unbelievably tired and just aching through my ribs and back from lifting my arms so much.  Our quartet had been hired to accompany this Methodist church choir and soloists in singing The Messiah.  I love to play The Messiah!  I really love listening to it as well, and usually turn up the volume while I clean the house or do the Christmas baking.

The Messiah is quite a change from the selections for the Christmas Pops Concert with the symphony.   I've heard many, many compliments for the concert, with its soloists, dancers, UNT Chorale and bling. But playing The Messiah trumps the bling for me.  Even when there is plenty of pressure with the quartet being a-l-o-n-e. No orchestra. The organist used the digital settings to play "harpsichord" with us. 

Today wasn't really a gig, but I played with my two adorable students at a music club.  We bake goodies for our audience, the local community, prepare instrumental and choral music for them, present donated instruments to the school district, sell poinsettias to raise scholarship money to give students for summer study, and then, after we perform we clean it all up. Whew!

These two played four traditional carols with me. We did three part harmony and they were wonderful! I love it when my students shine.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In Memory of Lucy

Lucy Dog, I loved you because you were Michael and Becky's second "child", our fourth "granddog". I loved you because you watched after me when we kept you without your parents.  I love you most of all because you took good care of my Grands, especially Gracie.  I will miss you.  You were a good dog.  Go run and play and jump high over the Rainbow Bridge! Thank you for your service to our family.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let the gigs begin!

 I love The Messiah!  Both the oratorio and the Lord for Whom it was written.

   I love doing Baby Music!  This is a tribute to my parents and grandparents and all their extended families because the songs and activities are songs and nursery rhymes taught to me by all of those who have lived before me.  I feel an extension to my heritage, to my own daughters as Mothers, to my grandchildren and to generations to come when I am engaged in the curriculum.   I actually remember the sounds of my parents' and grandparents' voices saying these rhymes, singing these songs.  I feel connected to my elementary music teachers and my college teacher who taught elementary music as well.  "Pop Goes the Weasel" and "Six Little Ducks" were always fun action songs in a classroom.  "Pat a Cake" is a generational favorite in almost every family in southern states.  When I'm singing and playing with the children--my grands, the infants, the toddlers--it's as if all my ancestors are playing with them too.  We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Musical Elves

Tonight before our local Christmas Parade began I closed the violin studio early to meet some students who were providing music for downtown merchants. 
These lovely sisters joined Santa in a window.  The sisters, not Santa, played duets for shoppers.

 Two brothers and two sisters played in an art gallery where guests viewed work by local artists. I joined them for some duets. 

I taught six students over a five hour period today, leaving the house for downtown quite late. Almost all the parking was filled with cars in all the spaces and lots for the City Sidewalks event. I actually called my students' parents, and their relatives left early to open a place for me in a nearby lot. Thank you, kind people!  I appreciate not having to walk six blocks to and from the performance site.  

Friday, November 26, 2010

What Was I Up To?

Where have I been and what have I been doing? 

Home remodeling in three rooms. 

Teaching students 16 hours or more each week. 

Playing with the Grand Ladies and Man

Six days of baby music training in Houston.
Attending The Nutcracker at the beautiful Paramount Theater with the Rowdy Girls and Aunt Kaki.
Enjoying the family during Thanksgiving holidays. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fun Weekend

 Driving to see the Grand Twins I saw this beautiful field of grasses and pristine farm house. 

 At this time of year the grasses, which originally covered most of Texas before it was settled and developed, are green, gold, red and purple.

 A few, not many, trees are beginning to dress in their Autumn colors. 
Temperatures are in the 50's and upper 40's at night. When the first freeze arrives, the colors really pop.

 Last weekend Grandpa bought a kite for Jonah and Gracie. This weekend he bought a kite for Em and Roo.  Em thought she might try flying it inside the house. 

 Em, Roo, Grandpa, JB and I walked to the neighborhood park .  Em busied herself on the slides, sidewalks, and swing. Roo declared she was the captain of a big pirate ship and was sailing the seven seas. She commanded from the lofty heights. 

Meanwhile, JB and Grandpa made valiant efforts on a mostly windless day to fly the kite. Every time it would crash,  Em would say "Oh Noooooooo! Try again!"  Good advice for life, I think.

As the shadows lengthened from west to east along the width of the park
the girls began to tire of the kite, the slides, the pirate ship and
long afternoon Grandpa held Em by the feet upside down for a while
then allowed her to lay in the gravel--dirty but so texturally pleasing.