After playing the piano, running through the house, surfing the stairs, and a few other high volume activities, Jbear and Em wore out. Roo was not far behind after a morning of memory cards, stacking birthday candles, and avoiding the twin and cousin. In fact she could be heard saying "Are you OK, Ruby?" At 11:30 her blood sugar totally bottomed and she begged for food. After eating a bowl of mac & cheese, half a fried egg, some mashed potatoes, and a smoothie with half an avocado and banana in it, she was fine. Off to a nice nap for Jbear and the Rowdy Girls.
Then Gracie woke up. She played and charmed everyone and ate half a bowl of mashed potatoes. While Boo and Michael fetched antibiotics for Jbear, Grandpa and CB watched Gracie, and I finished the Easter Dresses. Boo caught a nap to make up for her sleepless night. Before CB and girls drove away to their home in the Hill Country to see their lonely husband/daddy, we caught this photo while the girls modeled their new dresses over their leggings. Special guest appearance is by Buzz Lightyear, feeling much better after a dose of pink medicine and a nap.